The Extraordinary

A poem for the Olympic Games.”

The Extraordinary
The extraordinary flows in our veins 
We can go beyond ourselves 
Surpass everything, transcend the pain
Achieve the impossible 
To attain immortal health
The sea extends in front of us
Each time the human kind excels
Each time we eat star dusts
And our prodigy is known to them
All our feelings are felt, adrenaline rush
Sportsmen, sportswomen, all athletes 
All these makers of realities 
Who show us that dreams are possible
With enough love and passion
With lots of trainings and dedication 
Everything in life is achievable 
That’s what these fond of sports 
Those who sweat to become masters 
Of the body and mind, who beat the odds
Teach humans through what they achieve
As ambrosia burns in their blood
They are the truth in a world of lies
The truth, in a sea of deadly conflicts,
They are the beauty of the ordinary
And because of them all
I believe in the extraordinary 
I now know that we can all win
Become the better side of humanity 
Transcend our human limitations 
To be better than we were yesterday 
Extraordinarily beautiful things.

“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”


Tough days indeed, but you make me believe that life has won over death; you inspire me to continue working towards my dreams, you ignite my aspirations. A Chinese proverb says: ‘Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness’, so, thank you all for these wonderful moments, for even amidst the stress and fear of the pandemia, these heartbreaking situations that look like as if the sky is falling over our head, and all of the upheavals, you’ve given your best… thus to me you are all winners who’ve won the gold medal. We all continue to protect ourselves as best as we can, aware that we are responsible towards each other, but existence just can’t stop like that — in gloom, heartache, the night — for life is like an unstoppable river, our daylight filled with daydreams, within which lives those that continue to carry hope, those who say yes to life.

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

Mahatma Gandhi

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