
Big bright stars in space
A large shinny crown on our head 
Sitting on the highest of all chairs
Adored, loved, all time long 
We venuses, always our stars rise
We are, the turn on symbol 
The milky way is, in between our legs 
We are a wild blue diamond in space 
Our womb is a curving dome 
Inside, that egg of yours —
The yolk of this existence 
The soil that welcomes your root 
We are fermented sweet fruits 
That keep them oh so drunk, 
And with our mouth we devour the space 
And with our teeth we tear up the sky
Venuses, always oh so misunderstood 
Afflicted by those hormones 
These chemicals that burn inside
Morphing us into the Venus we are
That's what venuses are 
Wild wide stretching skins
Who cloth this infinite body
Staring down at what's earthly 
Our love is locked in our breast 
That we open when love's needed 
Our lovely bosom is so warm
That just one night in our arms 
Can instantly melt your heart  
That's what a Venus is —
The deep jar of your heart
The one who waits patiently 
The one who forgives everything 
The one who loves abundantly.

Happy Woman’s day. I hope that all women secretly thinks alike, and that this poem - compared to women, I compare thee, and brave womanhood, drools with the quintessence of women’s sensuality, and as well as women’s yearnings.

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