
The emerald sea
Rushing ashore
Dancing above
Green things
Growing as skin
Ruling this life.
This viridescence
Flows serenely
Aquamarinous vibes
So relaxing
The greenish field
So luxuriant
My veins
Of the colour of leaves.
That naturescape
Dominantly green
Such pepping pigment
This greenliness
Swirls into everness
Your verdant heart
Beats red in mine.

WordPress word-prompt challenge for this month is the word ‘green’, which was very challenging for me to write about, for the colour of nature is so faceted and prosaic, that one can easily basculate into the building of sentences that are very cliché, that is, words used in the everyday language. Thus that’s what I challenged myself to do with the word ‘green’ while writing this poem, to focus on those things and places that easily meet the eyes, but which one doesn’t pay particular attention to.


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