What Calms Me

What Calms Me 
The view of little fledglings
Of heightened waves gliding 
The sounds of winds during a tempest
And of creatures going on a quest
They abate my heart on a windy day
All of the little children playing 
And of their little eyes shimmering 
At the view of all these objects that fall
And of the tree that looks so tall
They abate my heart on a windy day 
Of all these journeying couples
With peculiar allure who mumble 
Of secrets that I wanna hear, learn
How they became to each other so dear
They abate my heart on a windy day 
Of the one who passionately sings
And of the other one who paints things 
While another writes a poem a story
The immortal artist's work that frees
They abate my heart on a windy day 
Of the hands that compose
And those that dance close
Passionately, breathlessly, heavenly 
And of all souls that make a city 
They all abate my heart on a windy day. 
Windy, full moon night. I love night gazing.

There are those sceneries, people, and actions that naturally appease my mind when things go wrong, or when life seems so frightening. And in the end, I’ll tell to myself that no matter what, the beauty of nature remains there for us all to appreciate existence.

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