- Embracing The Web Creative Culture -

”A digital revolution.”

The web has shaped the ways that people think, search, do business, create and make, entertain and express themselves, work, get employed, and as well as connecting with the world. It is a domain that is continuously evolving, and whose full power hasn’t yet been unleashed.

I do think that the web is a more expansive area than that of the telephone, radio and television, transports, and as important as electricity itself. If done well, with all the potential it has, that thing can surely become a titan awakened.

To trigger inspiration the online world is the best place to visit as to enter in that creative state of mind. Whether you are into auditive, or either more into visual, we are all bound to find the aesthetic that stirs mind-creativity on the web.

And even though the digital space, too, has its many flaws, negative aspects, and share of wicked beings, I prefer to dwell in its sunny part, embrace its positive side, and take in all the goodness that it has to give; I prefer to stick with minds that have at heart a better design for the web creative culture.

I persist in my views of seeing the web as the dreamland of tomorrow, a space within which anyone who has a smart device and an internet connection can easily access and choose among all kinds of materials and tools designed to shape the elements of their dreams.

If I hadn’t myself used all of these online tools and websites to help me develop my writing and blogging skills, get inspired, exhibit my work, I wouldn’t have that much flaunt the creative side of the web… but here I am, trying to make the most with what I have so as to try paving a way that could help me make my dreams come true… and to that, I’ll grip myself with all might.

Music and rhythms are everywhere online

Music can trigger the necessary emotion from where surges the needed inspiration to get into the creative flow state, and the web provide to creatives, or anyone else, the possibility of finding and choosing from a vast variety of music. As for me I’ve created a playlist on YouTube, which I listen to in times where I can’t seem to will myself into that creative state of mind —listening to my playlists gives me the necessary vibes that instantly boost my creative intellect.

Blasts of visuals

Furthermore, with all these websites filled with aesthetic galleries of images the creative in us is moved, the creative in us learns, the creative in us wants to come out whether we want it or not… these plethora of artistic images that live on the web are delicious entremets for consciousness; we are more than ever exposed to become the creatives of tomorrow.

Tools to create are within reach

Of course, this one is the most obvious clue that the web is already supporting the web creative culture. From Windows 10 creators update to Google Drive and photos, or even all of these other apps and softwares designing the right platforms for users to easily write codes, make stuff to share and get noticed, or even make sellable things like cards or booklets that can be sold online or in craft markets, are more than ever shaping the digital space.

And what about your thoughts on that subject matter. Do you think that in a near future people will embrace more the creative lifestyle? Are the trends changing yet?

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