2018 Highlights Of My Online Activities

This year has been the year of all mistakes, challenges, changes, reflections, analysis, but also progress and rock solid self-determination.

At every end of the year I love to sit down and reflect on what I’ve been able to achieve for personal growth and advancement so as to be able to work on lacks and issues. And for this year I can say that I’m proud of myself, which is something that I haven’t felt since a long time… you know, that feeling of self-determination that strengthen with each step made towards that dream or goal.

Of course, I had my loads of bad times, but I am not around to lose my time! I am here because I need to achieve a goal that will help me decide what to do next… the clock is ticking, and everyday the sound of it reminds me of the preciousness of each hour that’s lost.

Say/formulate your needs and desires for 2019…

So down below are some of the main points concerning my 2018 online and writing odyssey:

Deletion of my former blog ‘Lovelyricism’ on WordPress

Have to say that it is the stupidest mistake I made this year. Almost four years of blogging while learning how to use their website have been casted away into winds of oblivion.

Deletion of my former account ‘Christa Chn’

I don’t regret that I have deleted this account, I only regret my former Pinterest boards😅 and as well as all of the other cool boards that I followed, and which I loved to scroll through.

I’ve progressed a lot with the writing of my book

After I deleted my former accounts I focused more seriously on writing my book, and I’m progressing through being more attentive.

I had an urge to blog

Writing is a rather lonely act, where suddenly I felt an urge to blog, for I terribly missed this creative leisure.

From Christa Chn to ea.ki, and now to Eiravel

I wanted to change from Christa Chn to an alternative online name — one which fits my vision, and thus I went for ea.ki. However I noticed that there was some kind of incoherence concerning the pronunciation and written form of the term that could confuse, and where in the long run this would not work in my favour in the bizsphere. Thus deletion and abandonment of ea.ki to the detriment of Eiravel — which is a sort of anagram of my real name.

I am also working on a poetry book titled ‘i-organel dreamscape’

I love to write poetry for a surplus of creative leisure; and all the bits of sentences I have written here and there happened to have taken the form of free-verses, so I thought, why not kill two birds with one stone (faire d’une pierre deux coups).

I feel a little bit more at ease in the digital space

Understanding geek and technical terms used across the digital-space has not been easy at all for me. I had to come back many time to the main points to be able to assimilate the contextualisation of what makes the basic of the web, and where it’s only now that I’m starting to understand why this whole thing is coined as ‘web’ and ‘internet’. The way I personally interact with abstract representations has finally aided me more than I could have ever imagine.

Catching up with blogposts and social-media

After that I deleted my former account I lost many of my blogposts and social-media feeds, thus now I’m trying to catch up with creating more contents.

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